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Data entry for digital solution providers in agriculture

Digital Agri Hub offers a data entry facility for digital solution and service providers. As a solution provider, it offers you the opportunity to register your digital solutions for agriculture deployed in low- and middle-income countries or to update existing data in our database. This will feature your digital solutions in the Digital Agri Hub dashboard with the most up-to-date information, also making them more visible to investors, donors, and other stakeholders in the D4Ag sector.

To avoid spam and possible misuse, we are asking you to first request a user account. The steps required to register are explained in the sections below, and a short manual to guide you through the process is available through this link.

Please note that we will only onboard solutions that support digital agriculture

Step 1 - Request an account

Use the action button under this section to request your account. It will open the sign in page for data entry, where in this case you use the register link to request your account. You will be asked to fill in in your name, email, and password. We also ask you to provide the name of your organisation and to indicate if any of your digital solutions are already in our database. Based on your organisation name and email address suggestions for already existing solutions will be provided. This will allow us to link any solutions that already exist in our database to your account.

After submission of your account details, you will receive a confirmation mail with a link to activate your account. Once activated, you can start adding or updating your solutions. 
Note that Digital Agri Hub will only use this information to set up your data entry account and to link your solutions with your account in case these are already included in our digital solution database.

Step 2 - Add or edit digital solutions

Once you have requested and activated your account, you can log in at our data editing facility. This will allow you to enter or update your organisation and solutions data and to access and edit the data that we have already collected about your digital solutions. After a quality check of the data, we will publish your digital solutions on the Digital Agri Hub dashboard.

A short manual to guide you through the process is available through this link.

How we treat your data

Digital Agri Hub collects data on several aspects relevant to the D4Ag sector. Most of the data, e.g. related to the type of application, used technologies, available languages, countries of deployment etc., is commonly available and shared by organisations. However, part of it concerns possibly sensitive or competitive data (number of users of different types, revenue, impact). Digital Agri Hub uses that data to derive aggregated sectoral insights, but will never share it with others, neither through our solutions dashboard nor otherwise. 

Sharing data with Digital Agri Hub

Digital Agri Hub is committed to becoming a true hub, connecting organisations, and promoting matchmaking in the digital agriculture ecosystem. We welcome data partnerships with data providers looking to share their data to obtain more exposure, to reuse the data that is provided by the Hub, or to create synergies in other ways. Digital Agri Hub foresees developing data sharing interfaces that allow partners to exchange data and link up to a shared data ecosystem.

If you collect data or have collected data in the past, and you want to link and connect your data to the global data ecosystem, let us know by sending a mail through the action button below.